Cultural Corridors of South East Europe

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Bran Castle Museum

Bran Castle Museum


Corridor: Eastern Trans-Balkan Road
Country: Romania, Brasov
Bran Castle Museum

Welcome to the Bran Castle Museum official site.
Visit the hystorical misteries of the Castle, Custom House and of the region.
You will enjoy the furniture collections, ceramics, silver collection, weapons and folk costumes, you will learn about great architectural styles and about the controversies of the Dracula mith.
We invite you to a virtual visit of the Castle and we look forward to seeing you at Bran castle.

Traian Mosoiu str., no. 489, Bran, postal code 507025, Bran county, Romania
Tel: +40 268 238 333
Fax: +40 268 475 607


Visiting hours:
Monday Closed
Tuesday - Sunday 09-17.00