Cultural Corridors of South East Europe

South East Europe / Via Egnatia

Mount Athos

Info Sections
Mount Athos

About the site

Corridor: Via Egnatia
Country: Greece, Mount Athos
Type: Christian religious centre
Epoch: Middle Ages
Theme: Christian Monasteries
World Heritage: Cultural and Natural Heritage (mixed)
Middle AgesChristian MonasteriesChristian religious centreCultural and Natural Heritage (mixed)

An Orthodox spiritual centre since 1054, Mount Athos has enjoyed an autonomous statute since Byzantine times. The ‘Holy Mountain’, which is forbidden to women and children, is also a recognized artistic site. The layout of the monasteries (about 20 of which are presently inhabited by some 1,400 monks) had an influence as far afield as Russia, and its school of painting influenced the history of Orthodox art.

