Heritage by Country / Romania
Oradea Bishopric Ensemble
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About the site
Corridor: Western Trans-Balkan Road
Country: Romania, Oradea
Type: Christian religious centre, Historic Town
Epoch: Modern Times
World Heritage:
Country: Romania, Oradea
Type: Christian religious centre, Historic Town
Epoch: Modern Times
World Heritage:
The Oradea Bishopric Ensemble consists of the Oradea Catholic Cathedral and the Bishopric Palace. The bishopric palace was designed by architect Franz Anton Hillebrandt (1762-1770), who also continued the work of the Italian architects Giovanni Batista Ricca and Domenico Luchini at the Cathedral (1752). Hillebrand’s design for the Bishopric Palace (a three storeys U shaped layout) follows the Viennese exemple of Belvedere Palace, wereas the Cathedral is a merging between the classical design of a three naves basilical space and the “Il Gesu” model with nave and lateral chapels.
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