Cultural Corridors of South East Europe

Heritage by Type / Christian religious centre

Churches of Moldavia

Churches of Moldavia

About the site

Corridor: Eastern Trans-Balkan Road
Country: Romania, Suceava
Type: Christian religious centre
Epoch: Middle Ages
Theme: Christian Monasteries
World Heritage: Cultural Heritage
Middle AgesChristian MonasteriesChristian religious centreCultural Heritage

With their painted exterior walls, decorated with 15th- and 16th-century frescoes that are considered masterpieces of Byzantine art, these seven churches in northern Moldavia are unique in Europe. Far from being merely wall decorations, the paintings represent complete cycles of religious murals on all facades. Their outstanding composition, elegant outline and harmonious colours blend perfectly with the surrounding landscape.


Moldovita Church

The originality of the artistic phenomenon of the exterior painted churches and the outstanding quality of the frescoes motivated the listing of this churches in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Moldovita church (1532) particular features – the presence of the tombal room and the three bays open exonarthex – add a pitoresque characteristic to the classical succession of pronaos, naos and altar vaulted rooms. The “Siege of Constantinopolis” scene in the Southern Front frescoe is considered one of the most significant exemples of the artistic expression of the struggle for independence and christian faith.

Expert Network

Read more about Churches of Moldavia at the Unesco World Heritage List.
