Cultural Corridors of South East Europe

Heritage: ESPRIT, 2007-2008

Round Table with Exhibition

Round Table with Exhibition

The University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), the National Academy of Art (NAA), the Association for Cultural Tourism (ACT) and the Bulgarian National Committee of ICOMOS (BNC of ICOMOS) organized in implementation of the project Heritage: ESPRIT a Round Table with Exhibition. The event took place on 14 November 2008. 

The Round Table was opened by the Rector of UACEG Assoc. Prof. D. Denev. The participants were greeted also by the Rector of NAA Assoc. Prof. Sv. Kokalov, the Chairman of ACT Prof. T. Krestev, the Chairman of BNC of ICOMOS arch. Hr. Staneva, the Director of AIM at BAA – Prof. M. Vaklinova, the Director of the Institute of Analyses and Assessment in Tourism Mr. R. Draganov.

The aim of the Round Table was to be represented and popularized the final results of the Project in an attractive and untraditional way by emphasizing the contribution of modern technologies in the field of the cultural heritage and cultural tourism. To this end, in the first part of the Round Table, the leading participants, representatives of all partners, presented different reports: Cultural Heritage: Education – Science – Preservation – Integrated in Tourism (Prof. T. Krestev); The Technological Platform MMH Lab (Assoc. Prof. B. Georgiev); The Architectural and Archaeological Heritage (Y. Kandulkova); The Artistic Heritage (Prof. V. Todorov, Assoc. Prof. S. Tapanov, Kr. Frangova); The Integral Heritage: Cultural Routes, Cultural Landscapes (D. Georgieva, M. Velkov); The Cultural Heritage and the Geographic Information Systems: the Road to the Missing Reality (Iv. Delchev).

In fact, the intention to gathered and present all the developments and practical results of the Project generated a fruitful discussion in the second part and created an optimal climate for the formation of national networks in the field of cultural heritage, cultural tourism and information technologies. As a result of that the participants – experts in different fields, representatives of various institutions and many students – adopted a Final Document of the Round Table, addressing the central and local authorities, institutions and the public sector.

The Multimedia Exhibition, accompanying the Round Table, was opened by the Dean of the Architectural Faculty Assoc. Prof. N. Bonchev. It presented the Project by various means of expression, organized in four main modules: The Project HERITAGE: ESPRIT; Pilot Projects, Dissemination of Information and Real-time Education.