Children and the Cultural Heritage of South East Europe, 2005-2006
The Association for Cultural Tourism thanks to everyone who contributed to the realization of the Multimedia product – website and CD Treasure Quest:
• To British Council Bulgaria and the British Council Cultural and Environmental Heritage Fund for South East Europe for the generous financial aid provided for the project;
• To the sub-contractors of the project: The University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia and the Bulgarian National Committee of ICOMOS;
• To the members of the project team;
• To the partners form South-Eastern Europe;
• To the contributory international organizations: UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the European Commission, ICOMOS, the European Institute of Cultural Routes, the Program International Heritage Photographic Experience, the Commission for Architecture and Built Environment, UK;
• To the contributory Bulgarian organizations and institutions;
• To the assistant friendly websites;
• To all our friends and colleagues that have assisted and supported us.