Heritage by Period / Prehistory
Vardarski Rid, archeological site
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About the site
Country: FYR of Macedonia, Vardarski Rid, Gevgelia
Type: Ancient Site
Epoch: Prehistory
Theme: Antiquity
World Heritage:
Excavations at the archaeological site of Vardarski Rid have revealed six layers of remains of different settlements dating from the period between the 13th and the 1st century BC. There are also indications of a Neolithic settlement (4500 before Christ) with an organized social structure. The economic, social and cultural development of the region over the centuries is reflected in the size and type of the six settlements. In prehistoric times, more specifically during the Iron Age (8th –6th century BC), Vardarski Rid was the central settlement of the Paionians. During the Classical period it was one of several settlements on the bank of the Vardar (Axios) River. In the past it was probably the administrative centre of the Amphaxitis region.
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